what’s BLACK SUSHI ?
BLACK SUSHI is premium sushi which is made of natural Black Rice. Natural Black rice is known as Forbidden rice in ancient times because it has been served only for the Emperor due to its high nutritional contents. BLACK rice has more nutrition than brown rice or white rice. Also it contains the highest contents of Antioxidents among food. For example it has more Antioxidents than Blueberries -Wikipedia- .
making BLACK SUSHI...
ANTHOCYANIN : Anti Aging, Anti Cancer
BRAN LAYER : Lower Choleserol
MORE VITAMINS ( B1, B3) : Good for Diabetes, Control Blood Pressure
DIETARY MINERALA (Fe, Mg, Mn, Se) : Good for Anemia
MORE FIBER : Better Digestion
we have been developing BLACK SUSHI as the best quality sushi brand in the world.
We have tested 120 customers' preference about BLACK SUSHI comparing to regular sushi.
the results were...